The justification for genociding Bigfoot, and an answer to historical negation.

Table of Contents

  1. Demonspawn?
  2. Propaganda
  3. Lacerta the dispossessed
  4. Timeline of Earth
  5. Apologetics
  6. P'nti agree
  7. Atlantean omnicide
  8. Ascension and liberation


One of the secret elite writes on 4chan Paranormal a justification one can find repeated often in dark corners of the web, that the aliens are nephilim (or "nephs") whom God will exterminate:

The Sasquatch have a connection to UFOs because aliens are demonic entities and Sasquatches are the reduced and devolved remnants of the Nephilim, whom descended from yes you guessed it… demons.

This is why you'll hear talk of Bigfoot entering portals and other unusual things for something that's considered to be just an archaic hominid.

They have access to deep secrets of creation and use such knowledge to avoid capture and detection. We tried to exterminate them and mostly succeeded.

The other remnants of the Nephilim went underground and became even more twisted than the Sasquatch. About as tall (9 feet or so) but relatively hairless and with pale white skin and an incredibly emaciated form. Very skinny.

Ironically the Sasquatch despite appearing like an ape is the more refined of the Nephilim offspring.

Some Nephilim breed themselves into the human gene pool. Some went so deep into the woods none could follow them and some went deep underground. Nonetheless God is going to uproot and destroy all of them.

Bigfoot has the capacity to not be reprobate bastards but that doesn't make them good either.


In this genocidal elite's worldview, aliens are demons and so is our closest relative on this planet. Hermit-kingdom style propaganda is unfortunately common in human history, as is the genocide that results from it.

Is there evidence of such an agenda to genocide Bigfoot and other Xenos? The Sasquatch Message describes the process of historical negation, of which genocide is part. The Smithsonian is mentioned in three paragraphs:

Some private collectors like the Smithsonian or the Skulls and Bones secret society hired so-called bounty hunters to skin and collect skeletons on battlefields after massacres. This way, the Smithsonian alone has amassed over four million ancient Human skeletons and mummies in their vaults, including bones from eighteen thousand giants, from some of my Sasquatch People, our star relatives and other anomalous discoveries, that have been kept hidden from public knowledge, to perpetuate the official Darwinian doctrines. This was also an attempt to erase all traces of every precolonial advanced civilizations.

It is no coincidence that we sent to you at the Spiritual Sasquatch Event in Chewelah last year, that brother who prefers to remain anonymous, who felt compelled to tell you and only you about his experience when in 2010, he was taken down into the underground city at the Sipapu with three Navajo medicine men, where through eleven successive chambers, he saw statues and inscriptions that looked like Egyptian or Tibetan in style. His account confirms in details some earlier reports in the area that have been covered up by the Smithsonian Institute, when they plundered the lower entrance in 1909.

When he described to you the way to get to the upper entrance he had visited, you could complete his description in your response, as you had seen this place in dreams many times for over thirty years. When you got there on the grounds of this remote and hard to find location, you found the landmarks he had given you, old ruins, altar, trail, rock ledge on cliff side, but the petrified tree bridge was broken. Then you found on recorded footage from an expedition, including Zuni Pueblo Elder Clifford Mahooty, that some black helicopters were hauling heavy huge loads out of that very canyon, to unmarked semi-trucks and vans taking it away in 2012, another secret operation of the masonic Smithsonian Institute.

One must decide whether to believe the perpetrator or the victim. Sasquatch writes:

But you must be aware that there are also many lies and deceptions put out by the lower lords, who try to be seen as the Star Elders and usurp the title of Earth watchers (or Hakamim), while they have fallen from their duty (to become Nephilim), due to pride, arrogance, greed for power and selfishness. They use this tactic to be perceived as saviors and gods, and carry on their agenda for global control, through a centralized tyranny of their own, that they try to masquerade as the Council of Star Elders.

Lacerta the dispossessed

Can we confirm such a genocidal agenda from other sources? We should begin by asking the previous inhabitants of Earth's surface, the Repterrans or Lizard People.

The aptly-named Lacerta states that Humans have been rapidly genetically engineered over the last 2-3 million years by invading aliens who genocided Repterrans from the surface and programmed Humans to fear them.

the automatic denial of the existence of reptilian species and generally of intelligent species other than your own is part of the programming of your mind.

Prior to our engineered uplift, the Repterrans ignored primitive Humans as we do the Great Apes today.

Obviously one should be skeptical, since Repterrans are admittedly the losers of a zero-sum war for the surface that is our home. However, if what Lacerta claims is true, then modern Humans are in fact the controlled and programmed cattle of invasive aliens with dubious morals, who justify their conquests of indigenous populations as God's will – something we have seen repeatedly in Human history.

The dates given by Lacerta and Sasquatch agree well:

Timeline of Earth

This is a compiled timeline of the dates mentioned in the Lacerta Files and the Sasquatch Message. All dates are in millions of years ago (mya) unless otherwise stated. Note that Humans wrongly assume the length of years does not change; they are growing longer due to Earth's expanding elliptical orbit.

After each bullet I list the sources. Abbreviation key: Lacerta Files = LF; Sasquatch Message = SM; Wikipedia = Wk; P'nti = Pn, Yajweh = Yj, Padgettite = Pd

The problem with preaching genocide of the inferior is that there's always someone smarter and crueler than you, who wants your stuff.

Note that this timeline does not reflect current events; circumstances have likely changed substantially. In book 3, Sasquatch assures that the Earth changes will not end Humanity.


Evidence remains superficially ambiguous for multiple reasons ranging from benevolent (respect for Human free will to shape our own consensus reality) to practical (avoid inciting religious and financial panic) to malign (historical negation by secret elites via Smithsonian burying evidence, financial control of academia and MSM, and government coverups such as Project Blue Book). Russia's Medvedev already announced alien presence on Earth; the video makes clear he wasn't joking (as Western MSM spun it). Medvedev recommended "Men in Black" the Russian documentary about aliens, not the Hollywood film.

You may be wondering why the knowledge gap between Sasquatch Ancients and P'nti is so large, if they are allies. The answer is that information exchange is tightly regulated by Cosmic Laws such as the Law of Free Will. At higher densities of consciousness, a Star Nation's beliefs shape their consensus reality. Thus revealing cosmic secrets or history infringes upon their freedom of evolutionary development.

Sasquatch is Legally permitted to share Earth's history because he channels it through Sasquatch-Human hybrids (thereby giving consent), and because Sasquatch has inhabited Earth with us since our creation. If the Archons succeed in exterminating Sasquatch from the surface with our consent, then his freedom and ability to teach us will be greatly diminished or eliminated. For the Fallen Humans who follow the Archons down their evolutionary path, the prophecy that "God" will remove the "nephilim" will come true, because they will be left alone in that reality. This is the Great Separation.

P'nti agree

To verify the part about the Elohim/Ea, I referred to the P'nti at @sandiawisdom [1] [2]. Apparently the Avian Ea race includes both Angels and Anunnaki, and is widespread in our galaxy. Species that are created astral can incarnate as physical species; at this point the Ea presumably have both.

The P'nti are benevolent and allies of Sasquatch, although of course they are not perfect. Humanity has many allies among the Star Elders:

Sandia the ET

Who taught them depends on where in the world you are talking because different Star Nations helped in their own jurisdictional areas.

For example:


To those who claim these are instead demons to be genocided: Prove it.

Atlantean omnicide

Lacerta's vilification of the Aldebaran Ea and her disdain for Humanity's programmed mind are extreme, but Sasquatch is similarly vehement about Humanity's mental enslavement by the Archons and their secret elite. Since much of her story checks out, I am forced to consider her account of our engineered iterations credible. It is something her race witnessed recently firsthand.

Sasquatch says it all started when Atlantis turned evil:

My people are the living proof of the stories of your origins carried in your ancient sacred scrolls and in the ancestral oral traditions of your tribal peoples. Our knowledge is what your people have forgotten about your true origins, nature, purpose and destiny. This is why the lower powers that have taken over this Earth are trying desperately to deny and cover up our existence, turning it into ridicule for the public to keep ignoring the message we carry, while secretly waging a covert genocide against my people.

It all started in the times when the civilization you know as Atlantis emerged as a new seat of powers for the Star Council on Earth, and the continents were divided between factions. Old Lemuria, our Mother-land where my people and much later yours were first conceived and born, had developed into a planetary civilization with a network of colonies and outposts around the world, many of which have left remains that still can be seen today. After ages of Peace and Consciousness, the divisions in the heavens reached our planet, but the Star Council established here could keep it safe and united.

Nevertheless, after some time, a faction of star people based in Atlantis fell into the temptation of power and greed, and went away from the greater Divine Law and Cosmic Order, that they were originally meant to maintain and protect on our young Earth. After winning battles over our Earth and succeeding in pushing back invading forces, they claimed ownership and dominion over our home-planet, which is not their home, and to which they were sent to keep watch and protect. Their claim was denied by the Council of Star Elders keeping the Cosmic Order, so the faction of lower principalities rebelled and banded with the invading forces they had been fighting against. They broke the covenant of the planetary watchers by manipulating genetics and breeding several experimental races of hybrids and slave species for their own interest and power. As opposed to the creation of my people and of yours that was approved by the higher Council of Star Elders within a cosmic plan for soul consciousness and planetary evolution, these genetic modifications were done for selfish purposes by the lower principalities against the higher Divine Law and Cosmic Order. Those artificially produced species, including giants, dragons and monsters, were used as slaves and soldiers in wars against the Star Council of Elders, still based in Mu. Your most ancient cultures have kept the memories of those wars involving star fleets in their sacred archives and ancestral legends that have survived to this day.

The new Atlantean race of Homo Sapiens spread out to conquer the world, and the Archons eventually succeeded in destroying Lemuria.

This modern Humanity, which you call Homo Sapiens, was encoded to be totally depending on external material support, with more rational minds and less spiritual empathy and sensibility, to serve the agenda of taking over all other life forms on this home-planet for the sole interest of the lower lords, who set themselves as powers against the Divine Law.

When the new Atlantean race conquered the world, they exterminated systematically not only all of my people that they could find, but also the largest part of your Lemurian ancestry, except for a few remote tribal populations.

On the lords of the lower astral planes:

They enslaved your ancestors to mine for them and to worship them as gods, later modifying your DNA to become more docile, servile, and depending on external support, and less psychically aware. They established their dynasties and bloodlines to rule over you, and created institutions to control you. Today, their control grid has reached to every corners of the Earth, imposing its rule even on your last tribal peoples who have kept living in balance with Nature and in harmony with the Cosmic Order.

As the strongest and most powerful psychic beings on this home-planet, the task of my people was to defend, as our younger brothers, those of your people who had stayed truthful to the Divine Law, even from the ones among yours who posed a threat.

I can personally attest Sasquatch continues to defend us today. Otherwise, I could not write this.

God has many species of angel he can send to deliver us from evil's curse. You can always ask whether someone who claims to be from God is an imposter. He answers, if you're willing to hear, without forcing belief. I suggest you take the hint early rather than late.

I say God, but you can substitute "the Divine" or "Source" or "the Ones" or whatever. The name is irrelevant. What matters is whether your God is the same as the genocidal one. If it's not, you might be disposable too.

Ascension and liberation

Lacerta agrees with the P'nti that there are many alien species here now, an extraordinary anomaly in Earth's history. The high interstellar interest is due to Humanity's unique role in the galaxy, as the Earth Ascends into a higher density of consciousness and our graduation day of reunion with the galaxy approaches. (Note that higher density does not mean higher vibration, as Humanity will diverge into two evolutionary paths, one Fallen and the other Faithful.)

It is only natural that the Archons wish to capture as many Humans for themselves as possible, to carve out a timeline in which Earth becomes their exclusive preserve. Our belief and consent are required for this, just as they were for Sasquatch's genocide, who long ago won the war for this solar system, and now dwells on many worlds. He is taking casualties here to remain in contact with us so that we can remember our purpose, before it is too late.

Those who wish to follow a genocidal deity may do so; there are enough futures for everyone. The Great Separation is upon us. That is God's way: peace not war.