The rat is the symbol of the Left, the wolf of the Right. Cat ladies are crazy, so give your kids dogs.

Table of Contents

  1. Summary
  2. Bonded littermates
  3. Child mortality
    1. Overview
    2. Crib company
      1. Baby exhaustion
      2. Crib killers?
      3. SIDS pricks
    3. De-worming
  4. The three reproductive strategies
  5. Wolf totem
    1. Monogamous mammals
    2. Love and war
    3. Animal familiar
  6. Race and breed
  7. By breed
    1. Samoyeds
      1. Smiling sled dogs
      2. Replacing huskies
    2. Huskies
      1. Overview
      2. Arctic bond
      3. White Fang
      4. Alpha love
      5. Sled runners
    3. Mature Malamutes
    4. Lesser breeds
  8. High maintenance
    1. Kiddie rides
    2. Sled dog sports
  9. True woo
    1. Psychic bond
    2. Psi science
    3. Scientific psychics
  10. Odin's daughters
    1. Horse girls are crazy
    2. Husky girl
    3. Havamal
  11. Teenaged pets
    1. Grief management
    2. Cats are for quiet
    3. Boas are for boys
    4. Toxoplasma is for tools
      1. Toxic tenth
      2. Fearless fools
      3. Infertile fuckers
      4. Bold girlbosses
      5. Buttlickers banished
    5. Guards are for girls
  12. Rape and revenge
    1. From Sweden to South Africa
    2. Herne's wrath
    3. Acknowledgments
  13. Carthago delenda est


Personal pets protect children. White puppy + White baby = White pride. To prevent LGBT, give teen lads a tom kitten, and lasses a husky bitch.

To protect your kids from commie brainwashing, bond babies with a white Samoyed/spitz pup and teen girls with a husky pup.

Immunize your kids against commie degeneracy with the honorable wolf spirit:

The monogamous wolf is the opposite of the cowardly bonobo:

Bonobos do not form permanent monogamous sexual relationships with individual partners. They also do not seem to discriminate in their sexual behavior by sex or age, with the possible exception of abstaining from sexual activity between mothers and their adult sons. When bonobos come upon a new food source or feeding ground, the increased excitement will usually lead to communal sexual activity

Feminism is ultimately about promoting bonobo sociobiology, which is matriarchal, homosexual and communist.

For the LGBT parents out there who want to groom their kids, I recommend getting them a couple of male rats. Not only will they hump each other, they'll piss and shit all over everything, lowering your son's disgust reflex so he'll be more accepting of vile sodomite "sex".

It's no coincidence that the rat is the symbol of the Jew, who leads the world in sodomy.

Most sodomite recruitment is of other people's children, for obvious reasons. Losing a child to the Left, as Elon did to trans, hurts much more than losing a wife.

Mitigate the risk by bonding your baby to a puppy. See these happy White kids:

A puppy is the strongest bundle of unconditional love you can give to your child. Dog people are conservative and mentally stable. Getting enough love and affection as a child makes a well-adjusted adult, not a mentally-ill LGBTQ commie.

A wolfish breed is the closest we can safely get to a monogamous dog.

Unfortunately my family did not follow best practices, and my sister is childless as a result. She decided early that she would rather adopt African children than have her own.

A white-coated Nordic pup instills pride in the cold-adapted White race, before "critical race theory" can preach its poison. (East Asians use cream coats, Amerindians red, etc.)

It's easy to convince a kid his dog is the best. Basically the difference in dog breeds is a soft intro to HBD:

Huskies have declined in popularity in the last decade, while Samoyeds have grown. Both are Siberian sled dogs. They're bred to sleep with their human families to share warmth, and are closely related to wolves, which have the strongest family values.

Huskies are more mischievous, independent and energetic. Samoyeds are friendlier and less trouble. Huskies are better at mushing – whereas Samoyeds are better at family companionship.

The floof is a heat-seeking footwarmer. Clinginess annoys adults, but it's exactly what a needy little kid needs, and gives parents a welcome respite.

It's difficult to imagine ever having nightmares with such radiant love snuggling next to you, poking his nose inquisitively into your dreams. I bet those floofs chase away imaginary bears just like real ones.

Ummm I work with dogs - Samoyeds are not low maintenance at all. Their grooming needs alone can cost a fortune and are a huge expensive time sink to keep them healthy. Just like any dog they need to be trained and socialized young to become well adjusted adults. They are also LOUD - we call them loud clouds for a reason. A lot goes into these dogs so please don’t just go get one without considering their needs

Combing is a good first job for a child. Dogs are high-maintenance in general compared to cats, especially wolfish dogs. Parents who can't afford a sled dog should get a smaller spitz. See the "Animal familiar" section for a list of suggested breeds.

As for teen girls, a husky activates her maternal instinct. Instead of sharing apartments at college or in the big "Sin city", she must find somewhere her husky can run, which means marrying a man who has a big backyard, at minimum. Then she'll probably have kids young, which is healthier. Plenty of time to learn while she's teaching them.

We must make more wolf girls!

Bonded littermates

It is good for a child to be raised together with a puppy, so she is never alone, nor rivaled in her parents' affection, but gains a friend who will follow her after death.

The common downsides of sled dogs are mitigated by raising pup and babe together. They constantly accompany and guide each other, reducing reliance on adult input as they grow up together.

Even a mutt or toy dog is better than simply leaving your child alone, without man's best friend. Anyone who has grown up in a multi-child family understands the cruelty of sibling rivalry and the pain of parental distance. A dog is always there, and always cares. Every child should have one.

By that I mean their own dog – not a shared one, but a fur-brother bonded from birth. Don't let the experts ruin this because their pronouncements of peril don't consider the case of littermates. We cruelly divide dog litters, but their joy at reunion is always ecstatic. Remember, wolf packs are families. Humans have lost their tribes, and always seek poor substitutes. Give your child the confidence of his own pack, and a brother who will always have his back, literally!

What if you have multiple children? Then the dogs of each child can sort it out, dog to dog, without the humans getting hurt. They will probably stop the human children from fighting each other, too. Dog and human psychology is so different that the two pairs will probably never be simultaneously in conflict, so someone will always make peace. The dogs will set an example of unity for the humans. We are smarter, but they are wiser – our elders by millions of years.

Modern homes and schools are often like a prison for children, because multiculturalism has turned the public commons into a prison yard. Prisoners given their own pets are much better behaved, because they are motivated to care for something beyond themselves. Arctic dogs shed tremendously, so you can knit a scarf from the dog's fur to comfort the kid at school.

And diversity is afraid of dogs…

"See ya when I free ya, not when they lock me in." – Tupac

Child mortality


Dogs can be a deadly danger to children, but the number killed is negligible, about 15-30 per year in the USA. The leading causes of child mortality are cars, guns, cancer, suicide, drowning and drugs. A dog's companionship reduces risk from most of those, making them net protectors.

Nonetheless, some shortsighted experts insist that small children should be never be allowed near dogs, because they are focused on their reputation rather than the holistic well-being of children. Obviously children and dogs want to be together, and would prefer that the experts to butt out.

The above experienced dog trainer writes, "Your dog should never be left alone with a child under the age of 8." That sounds overcautious to most families with pets, but it's based on a career's worth of experience seeing perplexed and grieving families dealing with the aftermath of attacks that happened "out of the blue". Most dogs simply aren't domesticated enough to be trusted around small fragile human children. They look too much like prey or weaklings ripe for bullying.

The vast majority of dog-owners will continue to be clueless of this fact, allowing their dogs to potentially attack your child. That's why a child needs her own dedicated bodyguard, loyal from the litter, and of a breed that is impeccably gentle and self-disciplined, yet able to defeat multiple attackers (a rogue pack). The answer is the Samoyed.

Crib company

Baby exhaustion

Having a baby for the first time is exhausting, it's levels of tired you can't understand. Trying to raise a newborn and new puppy at the same time is just giving yourself unnecessary stress, that newborn will be more work than you realise. For your own benefit just wait until the child is at least 3 months old.

Oh of course. The puppy needs to nurse with its mother before it can be purchased, and the child needs a similar period of mom-only time. I'm saying the puppy should be the first friend, that helps take the pressure off mom. The baby will go in the crib much easier if there's a puppy in it.

Crib killers?

Let me tell you for real what has happened when parents tried that in real life.

A wolf is a pack animal, and a dog is a wolf. One pack animal will attack another pack animal to establish dominance. If a dog gets jealous because the child is receiving more attention than the dog, then when they are alone together, the dog will attack.

That is something real that has happened for real.

A husky is more wolf than a typical house pet type dog.

I was alarmed by your assertions, but a bit of searching relieved my concerns.

Is it safe to leave a toddler and a Siberian Husky alone together? | Quora

Also, Huskies have an extremely strong prey drive and there have been cases where babies/infants are killed by Huskies because they are not recognized as people. This is literally always when the dog has not been properly socialized to understand the baby is a person AND never happens once the children are walking.

Stories below are consistent with this:

So adult huskies rarely kill sleeping infant strangers, mistaking them for a prey animal, or attempting to lift it to care for it like a puppy.

This has nothing to do with raising a puppy and infant to be bonded littermates together. Rather, it's the opposite: The child gets a guard dog who will fight to the death against any attacker, usually a strange dog who sees weakness.

SIDS pricks

SIDS is a much greater danger to infants. Babies are meant to be held next to skin, to lower their stress and regulate their temperature. A puppy provides both when the mother cannot. Puppies instinctively snuggle for warmth. If the baby is old enough to be in the crib by herself, she's old enough to have a puppy with her, so her prison cell isn't cold and lonely.

Much if not all SIDS is caused by childhood vaccination, as Steve Kirsch demonstrates. Don't let that be a reason for your baby to grow up with the trauma of isolation, which leads to sociopathy. If you're worried about the infinitesimal chance of smothering, buy a monitoring device to detect cessation of breath. The mother is more likely to fall asleep and crush her baby than a small puppy is. I couldn't find a single instance of the latter happening. So it is probably much safer to put the puppy and baby together in the crib, than to let the baby cry alone and then be comforted by the exhausted mother!

The puppy's warmth and love adds more life expectancy than some infinitesimal smothering chance subtracts. Beware cold credentialists who are motivated by their insurance to avoid blame, but depend on their customers staying sick for repeat business. Doctors did not cause the modern rise in life expectancy; improvements in sanitation and nutrition did that. Yet they're arrogant all the same, as if hunter gatherers weren't stronger and healthier than we are today.

Beware any false priest in white coat or black who pretends to know better than Nature. The barbarians are still circumcising babies!

Those dumb-mesticated naked apes, dressed in other animals' skins or hair and killing forests to make shelters to survive the elements, who let their black-robed priests and their white-robed doctors chop off the foreskin of their sons at an age before they can consent, as if it was a mistake from Nature, allowing the dark cabal to mark its cattle, are their masters' pets depending on toys they are fed with. They hide their cowardice behind killing machines, they see as their greatest power and achievement.

With that said, I couldn't find anything about putting puppies in cribs. This is a completely untested hypothesis, so proceed with cautious observation. Here's a good way to start: Put the puppy in the crib and watch until the baby falls asleep with it, then take the pup out.

I don't know what age of child and puppy is best to start unattended co-sleeping. You could put a thin tent divider in there so they can share body heat but can't get entangled.

Many babies become attached to a particular object like a blanket or stuffed animal between 8 and 12 months old. Loveys or comfort objects are more than a sweet toy for your baby – they might actually be helpful as your baby experiences separation anxiety and gets used to new situations.


Children should be taught to avoid dog saliva, because it is unsanitary. But while they're crawling around on the floor and putting things in their mouths anyway, it's kind of a lost cause. Happiness from the dog's companionship probably boosts their immune system more than the germs hurt it.

There is a low risk of getting worms from a dog, which can be eliminated by giving it anti-parasitics. Toxoplasma cannot be similarly eliminated. Thus dogs are acceptable in the house, but cats are not.

The three reproductive strategies

Dogs understand loyalty and duty, leftists do not.

Indeed. The ruderal r-selected strategy involves promiscuous sex and paternal uncertainty. Bonobos lack territory as a result.

Leftist don’t understand loyalty? Let me tell my family and community that while I work so hard for them 😂😂😂

The last headline is incorrect. Ruderal-leftists lack 3/5 moral dimensions. Competitor-rightists have 5/5. Leftists cannot understand rightists; rightists can fully understand leftists. It is like how men have an X chromosome, but women don't have a Y chromosome.

The real difficulty rightists have is overcoming their projection, the expectation that reasoning with a leftist can instill in them moral dimensions they biologically lack. Ironically, this tendency to project is driven by a dimension that leftists lack – loyalty/betrayal, the mistaken notion that leftists are part of one's honor-bound ingroup.

Because leftists lack loyalty/betrayal, they are less monogamous.

Leftists cannot operate as packs, so they cannot hold territory. Excluding protectorates, all governments are functionally right-wing out of military necessity. This is why nominally Communist countries wind up being ruled by male military "dictators" (kings).

It is ironic that Communism has replaced the church as the source of the divine right of kings. Replacing hereditary rights with the proletarian revolution removes the king's incentive to keep his population from starving, as the Kim dynasty demonstrates.

(Note that I am not advocating monarchism. Anacyclosis means one form of government gives way to the next in a predictable sequence of human idealism and disappointment, one that humans never remember no matter how many times it repeats. It is like how one snail crawls onto the sidewalk, gets smashed, and then three more show up to eat his corpse. You just have to let nature take its course and hope the average IQ rises during famine more than it falls during plenty.)

Unlike loyal rightists, leftists are much more fluid in their herd pecking order and "cancel culture" ostracism. Even if a leftist overcomes her projection, she can never see the colors missing from her vision spectrum. At most she can function like a color-blind person interpreting stop-lights.

That is why words literally mean different things to leftists and rightists. You instinctively interpreted "loyalty" as care-harm, whereas the author meant a concept you intrinsically lack.

Asatmaya wrote:

Hard left dog owner, here, did pretty well with my kids, oldest is an officer in the Navy, younger two are in college.

We keep shepherds and retrievers, mostly, though.

I suspect you are conflating leftism with libertarianism, or more precisely ruderal with stress tolerator.

To be fair, I'm doing the same in the article, ignoring the libertarian dimension in favor of left-right dichotomy.

I am not, but if you are… I'm not sure what you are saying, then.

Well, I glanced at your profile and saw anarchist, which I view as an extreme of libertarianism. If you live rural, that's also a Stress Tolerator trait.

There are actually three fundamental evolutionary strategies: Stress Tolerator, Ruderal and Competitor. Stress Tolerator is monogamous, Ruderal polyamorous, and Competitor polygamous. Thus if you want to be monogamous, you should live in a rural/libertarian area.

Individual opinions on economics and centralization are mutable and moot, whereas one's reproductive life strategy fundamentally determines how one views everything else.

I don't think it makes sense to divide people by ideology anyway – that would divide man from woman and old from young, which is the opposite of family. However, it is very important for family harmony to choose a partner with a similar reproductive strategy.

petrus4 wrote:

Based on my experiences, I maintain two personal boundaries regarding dog lovers:

  1. Prioritization of Dogs Over Humans: If you prioritize the lives or inherent worth of dogs over that of humans, I will not voluntarily associate with you.

  2. Mandatory Sympathy for Dogs: If you believe that sympathy for, and the desire for the presence of, dogs is a mandatory moral imperative, and view those who do not share this belief as inherently unethical, I will not voluntarily associate with you.

Sounds reasonable to me. Family first, after all.

Wolf totem

Monogamous mammals

Greater love hath no man than to lay down his life for another. This happens regularly within monogamous nuclear families, where the strongest emotional bonds form.

Scientists now estimate that only about three to five percent of the approximately 4,000+ mammal species on Earth practice any form of monogamy.

Animal Attraction: The Many Forms of Monogamy in the Animal Kingdom | NSF

Wolves are famously monogamous. They have to be. Mortal threats include other wolf packs, bears and big cats, humans, and dangerous ungulate prey. Monogamy provides the combat cohesion necessary to prevail. The pack is family.

“they get 20% better at what they do every year,” study author David Ausband said.

Love and war

Humans are similarly (not completely) monogamous. It is a sadly-common frontier legend that a husband, White or Injun, avenges his slaughtered wife and child by going on the warpath: a suicide mission of extermination. The greatest of these legends is Liver Eater Johnson:

Has there ever been an animal who did the same? Just one: the Custer Wolf.

The wolf reportedly killed more than he needed to survive; in one week he killed more than 30 cattle, castrating and mutilating them. One newspaper even called the wolf "The cruelest, most sagacious, and most successful animal outlaw";[3] another author called him "the master criminal of the animal world".[1] It was believed that four years prior to the beginning of his rampage, his mate and their pups were killed, and that the wolf never took another mate or joined another pack: popular belief of the townspeople of Custer held that the wolf was seeking vengeance against the humans that had killed his mate and pups.

Elephants and tigers have also taken revenge against humans, tigers individually and elephants as a herd. But their wrath soon cooled. Only the Custer Wolf waged perpetual guerilla war on the ranchers exterminating his kind, with coyotes serving as his scouts. The grizzled veteran killed 500 livestock before finally being trapped and shot by the USG's top wolf killer, who was wise enough to kill his scouts. It took the hunter 6 months, the hardest hunt of his 40-year career.

The average cow weighs 1400 lbs. Custer Wolf weighed only 100 pounds, but killed $25,000 worth of cattle with nothing but his teeth. Cattle cost about $10 per 100lb in 1920 (calves more, adults less). That's 250,000 lbs of meat. He killed 2500x his bodyweight over nine years, or 280x per year. Think about that the next time you decide something is too big to fight.

The wolf was so aged that his pelt had turned white. Williams noted that the wolf's teeth would have been strong enough to hunt for another 15 years.

Now you understand why wolves care for their elders.

Custer Wolf was a lone wolf by choice, because he had chosen to die.

There is a reason why the Wolf was the Symbol of Rome for thousand of years. Absolutely Based. As simple as.

There's a reason the word "dog" and "bitch" are used as insults.

Dogs no longer form family units with their own species - or maybe, never have! Because dogs are not descended from the same subspecies of wolf we know today and began splitting off from an extinct one as early as 40,000 years ago.

They form stable bonds with humans but dog packs are fission-fusion. But also, they definitely have enough awareness to go on revenge rampages like this. I've seen it. Most often, after being kicked once they figure out what's associated with their new enemy, and start pissing on cadillacs, chewing up sneakers, and learn how to sniff out if a camaro has less than 8 cylinders.

Animal familiar

No animal in North America loves more deeply than a wolf. True love is every child's birthright. A mother's love gives life, but she can't be there always. A dog can.

The best way to give a child the gift of unconditional love is with a personal puppy. The question is, which breed?

Wolves are not domesticated, and a male wolf is not safe to keep, because it will challenge for dominance. Dogs however are domesticated, and the way they assert their dominance is thus far gentler. The dog will grow up much faster than the child, and naturally lead the duo until the child is old enough to begin asserting command. Thus an intelligent and independent dog is desirable.

We can narrow the list of candidate to ancient dog breeds or modern ones with some wolf admixture, who have aesthetic or historical resonance with the White race:

The Swiss/German Shepherd and Akita are too aggressive and territorial for a littermate, because the kid won't be able to control them. That leaves seven suitable breeds ranging from toy to heavyweight.

The Samoyed is by far the best option, a friendly middleweight sled dog bred to sleep with children. However if you don't have the room or energy for that, smaller spitzes will suffice. Your kid can always get a proper sled wolf later, once the seed is planted.

What about the bigger breeds? A Samoyed is plenty big enough for a little kid. At his size it's basically a pony. Remember, a littermate will only live until the child's early teens. Then he can choose a more challenging second dog.

Why not some of the other popular breeds?

Best Family Dogs: Which Breed Is Right for You? | AKC

Obviously a Labrador Retriever is an ideal shared family dog for a suburban big back yard. I am introducing a different concept: a fur-brother littermate, a puppy who literally shares body heat in the crib. It is more like a bonded familiar than a pet.

Hence why the virtues of the wolf are important: They will be transmitted to the child. You don't really want your kid to have the personality of a Golden Retriever; they're doormats.

Noble character can only be shown, not taught. The spitz will connect your child to the spirit of the Wolf, which Native Americans know is real. There is no better totem animal for a child to have, because wolves are masters of family.

Even if you don't believe in spirits, the spitz can still anchor your child to wolf values via the stories you tell.

But I live in a hot climate.

Dogs and people appreciate short haircuts in summer. However, dog coats grow back much slower.

If you'd rather not bother, get a short-haired breed such as a Weimaraner or Labrador Retriever.

Race and breed

How can we teach our children about race, before the anti-White bioleninist Jews inject their poison via schools and media? By getting each child a bonded sled wolf, like Game of Thrones' dire wolf for each Stark.

Then tell your child:

"We got you an arctic spitz because it is the best. Other breeds are lesser: weaker, dumber, less brave and noble. We don't hate them for it; they're still good dogs. But for you we wanted the best."

The child will believe it, because of course his dog is best. And so he will believe that his race is best. Choose a dog whose eye color matches his own. They are both Nordics, the same race: Bred for Ice Age.

Domestication theory is another reason Whites need a longer-snout spitz breed to bond with initially. We're less domesticated than East Asians, as population densities attest. East Asians presumably bond better with short-snout broad-faced spitzes such as the Chow Chow. The face develops from the neural crest, so literally matching your face to your dog's makes sense from a personality perspective, whereas the connection to a dog's coat is mostly symbolic, besides cold adaptation.

Pup and child should be the same gender, and the dog should not be spayed or neutered. Thus the child will learn about sex early, as if living on a farm; there will be no "gender confusion". Before he hits puberty, the child will know how to control his dog's sex drive. (If the child fails, he will learn consequences when the dog is sterilized.)

White skin like a polar bear's coat speaks for itself. Children raised by wolves will never heed a lying rat… unless they're hungry.

Romulus and Remus are twin brothers whose story tells of the events that led to the founding of the city of Rome
the twins were suckled by a she-wolf in a cave now known as the Lupercal. Eventually, they were adopted by Faustulus, a shepherd. They grew up tending flocks, unaware of their true identities.

huskies come in red and white too!

That's so our Injun brothers can tell their children their race is the best too ;)

Lol gm fren - my Irish granddaughters will be raised with a red direwolf that licks their toes and his future brothers! (I'm guessing they will ride him like a brave battle woof.) My husband and I approve of your plan!

By breed


Smiling sled dogs

The Samoyed's smiling face is a huge plus for kids. The breed is lesser-known in the USA and therefore more expensive than huskies, but well worth it. It is more family-oriented than the husky, which has been specialized by Whites for commercial mushing.

Samoyed Club of America offers essential reading for understanding the breed:

Basically, a kid's need for exercise and companionship are about the same as the dog's. The dog will have more stamina at first, but towing solves that.

Replacing huskies

Samoyeds and huskies are both spitz-types closely related to the wolf, bred to huddle together with Arctic families for warmth. The Samoyed's eyes are usually brown, but its coat is pure white, unlike the husky's. Thus both are good for White identity aesthetics. As immigrant crossbreeds with an insatiable appetite for Yukon gold rush mushing, one might say huskies embody a uniquely American ethos.

According to American Kennel Club data over the last decade, Samoyed popularity has grown while husky popularity declined.

AKC Dog Breed Popularity Ranking (2013-2023) | Kaggle

  2023 2013
husky 24 14
Samoyed 50 67

In 2013, huskies were the 14th most popular dog. They've since declined to 24th. Despite the romantic appeal of owning an affectionate and independent wolfish dog, they're frequently abandoned due to behavioral problems. Although Siberians bred huskies to both work and sleep with children, White men bred the husky primarily for mushing, making it too high-energy to be a household pet.

Samoyeds were 67th in 2013, and rose to 50th in 2023. They are rapidly replacing huskies as the practical sled dog household pet. Samoyeds were bred to sleep with children and keep them warm. They are smaller and more agreeable than huskies, and delight in towing their bonded human around. These "smiling dogs" put a smile on everyone's face, and are excellent companions for small children.

Samoyeds are too clingy and energetic for most adults, but for kids it's just the right amount. A kid's appetite for getting rides is rivaled only by a Samoyed's enthusiasm for giving them.



Huskies have captured the American imagination through their heroism in Alaska. If you have enough space, you might consider getting one instead of a Samoyed.

The Siberian Husky is one of the oldest dog breeds on the planet. They were first bred by the Chukchi, an ancient nomadic Siberian tribe, in the northeastern regions of what’s now Russia. The Chukchi used huskies as sled dogs for transportation, but they were also regarded as family members and slept with the children in the tribe to keep them warm.

If raised with other animals as a puppy, huskies can live in a multi-pet household, too.

Meaning, they won't kill small animals if raised with them. One husky actually mourned when wild rabbits wouldn't play with him like the domesticated ones he grew up with. They feel guilt keenly, and can easily be too hard on themselves. That is why they're trustworthy around children, moreso than many humans.

I suspect the husky's striking blue eyes are an adaptation for greater altruism, since they signal clearly what it's thinking about or looking at, allowing better coordination but inhibiting deception. Their unselfish defense of other dogs supports this. Human eye color follows the same pattern. It's probably more of a complementary than directly causal relationship:

Arctic bond

If a husky bonds with a human as pack and gets enough activity and engagement, then they're dream dogs. If not, they're a nightmare.

The big side effect is that he ended up raising the bar so high that I know I can never have another dog after him, not even another husky. It just wouldn't be the same. I could never find another dog that special again.

Nat Taylor was already an experienced dog owner, but he bonded so deeply that he'll never need another dog. Subconsciously, he seems to know that his husky familiar is still following him.

The goal is to give each kid that, so he won't need the hassle of a dog as an adult. Bonding is most intense during childhood anyway.

Cold-adapted animals bond the deepest, because the struggle is against the environment, so families never betray each other. That is why cold-evolved humans are more trusting and generous than equatorial ones.

Why are Siberian Huskies so high maintenance? | Quora

The problem with huskies (besides the fact that they're working dogs) is that they are independent individuals capable of hunting for themselves. Bonding with a child solves this, since a child is also independent, intelligent and energetic. Independence makes huskies harder to train, but leadership is a desirable trait since the pup will lead the child for a while.

The goal is for the strong Nordic canine personality to ennoble the child. A lesser servile breed can't do that. This wolf pup is not a housepet; it's a brother/sister, an animal familiar. You don't pick a poodle for your other half.

I mean sure, but be warned that they are the biggest drama queens when it comes to taking a bath.

I can imagine. Getting wet in the Arctic is a death sentence…

White Fang


I’m a fellow wolf enthusiast and husky enjoyer myself.

The wolf is my spirit animal…I’m kind of obsessed with them and I used to have a husky and a german shepherd.

Yes my husky used to keep other dogs in line as well but I gotta be honest…. I found the German Shepherd to be…..closer to me in terms of pure kinship.

I noticed both dogs were extremely smart but in different ways. I loved them both dearly, I am pretty sure that the German Shepherd is actually the dog that is closer to actual wolves however because when they were “making the breed” a certain portion of the dna is actually wolf dna.

Anyways hard to say which one is better but I will tell you this, the German Shepherd will defend you till its last drop of blood, while the husky is not suited that. At the end of the day I love them both.

Huskies are often goofy, lazy and willful. Thus many husky owners doubt their dog would defend them against a serious attack. However, I've never read a single report of a husky actually engaging in cowardice or disloyalty when its owner was in danger.

Huskies are not guard dogs, and have little concept of human property. By default they're friendly towards humans, including burglars. That changes if they perceive a threat to their pack. Their idea of fun is playing tag with bears, whether the bear wants to or not.


One night, walking my dog, he all of a sudden stop dead in his tracks. Focused at the woods and brush straight ahead. We stood there for a few seconds, then he turned us around and practically dragged me back home. We did this walk daily and I have no idea what it was he saw or sensed that night.. just grateful he felt the need to keep me safe

Edit: Adding info to some comments:
I live in a "rural city" in Canada. It is fairly dark that you need to walk around with lights and reflectors.
Gun laws in Canada = if you know, you know.
My dog is a husky and not the guarding type of breed. He enjoys going out and about, so this particular situation made no sense to me in the moment.
My area is known for coyotes and fisher cats mostly. Though there is the occasional moose or bear. Less, lately due to the expansion of infrastructure in the area.
The critters like raccoons, skunks, etc. and let's include squirrels, my dog would not be running away, but running after those types of animals.

German shepherd DEFENDS against INTRUDERS #shorts #gsd #germanshepherd

Dogs are the 4th deadliest animal to humans on Earth, after snakes. Huskies killed 15 people from 1979 to 1998, making them the 4th deadliest breed. In 2005-2017 this declined to 13 deaths and 3% of the total, placing them 7th. In 2013 huskies were the 14th most popular breed, and about 1% of the dog population.

Deaths are high relative to their popularity. Factors inflating the death count are their use as working dogs in Alaska, and their strong prey drive which can target unfamiliar children who can't walk yet. They may also bite if they feel cornered by a child, or have food taken away. 86% of victims of maining or death from 1982 to 2013 were children. That means they rarely attack people who are recognizably human and behaving with a sense of self-preservation.

Huskies aren't very likely to bite, so their attacks are presumably rarer but more lethal. Like wolves, they rarely bark. The warnings they give before a correction are usually nonverbal and thus the aggression often surprises humans.

Rarely is a human stupid enough to attack an owner with a husky present, because huskies look intimidating, and can sense pre-attack body language, positioning themselves to defend. De-escalation is vastly preferable to pre-emptive attacks.

Although human predators are generally smart enough to avoid the big bad wolf, dogs tend to fear and challenge them. Huskies rule the dog park, keeping lesser breeds in line, defending the weak and defeating tyrants, according to the law of the north.

The wolf in the husky is buried just beneath a thick double coat of armor, preferring peace but ready for war. His tireless fangs shall prevail.

Alpha love

To understand what a husky is, read Jack London:

A boy who reads these books will always have ice in his veins. A girl will always honor her father.

The wolf alpha walks at the back of the pack, keeping them in view. Western man inverts the natural order by placing the husky alpha at the front of the sled, making puppies of wolves. Those behind the alpha covet his position, despising him as he flees, forcing him to discipline them each evening to restore order, as Jack London recounts.

Jack London used dogs to expose human society. The throne is not worth the weight of the sword, but man will only serve those who slay him. Arguments from expediency run across the cross, which worked. Instead of taking the throne from Herod, Jesus walked last, dying to show us that God's Love overcomes all hate. That is why he is Humanity's alpha forevermore, and Master of the Celestial Heavens, who opened the way to the Father.

New Birth | Geoff Cutler

The correct way to use these noble animals is not as beasts of burden, but guardians and guides for our most precious possession: our children, to show them the meaning of Love.

And also to pull them around. Mush!

Working dogs need to work. The husky will grow up much faster than the child, and enjoy pulling him around before he's mobile. However, by the time the kid's a teen, he'll be running the poor old dog into the ground. Humans are the best long-distance runners on the planet.

Husky tows boy, then boy tows husky. That is true love.

Sled runners

efty295 1

Don’t get a husky if you’re in a hot area or you can’t exercise them properly. They either need a huge property to run around or hours of exercise. They’re very active dogs and need a ton of exercise. A lot of people can’t handle them.

One could say the same about White children, who are best raised rural. And need haircuts.

Nicola Cataldo, 1y ago on Quora
Specializing in reactive and unsocialized dogs.
Should I get a Siberian Husky or a Malamute? Which is generally based on all points, the better dog?

Before you go any further, join a Facebook page called Husky Lovers and Owners. Count the number of posts about a Husky (Siberian or Alaskan or mix) that is still not housebroken at 12 months. Then count up the posts about a dog that repeatedly escapes a 6 foot chain link enclosure and runs off to kill the neighbors’ chicken and cats. Then tally the dog officer fines for capture of a runaway. Then count up the ones about how the dog tore the leather off the sofa and the sheet rock off the walls. And don’t even try to count the ones that complain that their house, furniture, clothes and food are full of fur 12 months of the year.

Then look up a Husky or Malamute rescue and notice that almost all the dogs there are between 12 and 24 months. That translates to a dog that was given up because he failed training.

Look, these are working dogs. They are not pets. They need a job they have to go to every day. They will go nuts even in a large outdoor enclosure. They need to run miles every day, they need to solve difficult mental puzzles and they need interaction with YOU at least an hour a day. That’s not cuddling in front of TV. That means learning tricks, learning agility, playing tug, or pulling a cart or sled. And did I mention, there is probably no worse breed to use as a watchdog. They are happy to see anybody who looks interesting.

This is why a husky isn't suitable as a housepet except when it has the role of a child's bonded littermate to anchor and engage him. Samoyeds are easier.

I've known a few huskies and met lots more, all were good dogs. The best/happiest were owned by childless singles with high active lifestyles - 2 runs or walks a day minimum and usually hikes on the weekend.

Sounds fine to me. A kid should run around outside twice a day. Once is probably enough if hauling. By the time the kid's a teenager he'll be running the poor old dog into the ground.

They are runners, mine escaped about a dozen times growing up. She got walks and had a fenced acre but it's sole purpose in life was to run. I like most dogs but Akitas will always be my breed.

Sounds like you didn't let your husky haul. Akitas are a good choice for adults, less goofy.

I was a kid and yeah that would have helped.

Mature Malamutes

Bhyfdcg wrote:

Malamutes are much better and calmer dogs than huskies. Huskies are liable to run away and not good guard dogs. I can think of many more breeds way better suited to be a kid's best friend.

guard dog

Any dog will protect their family. Guard dogs are territorial for guarding property.

kid's best friend

Malamutes were bred to fight polar bears, which are absolutely vicious and hunt humans as prey, but flee when they scent Malamutes. They're calm until they're not, and a kid can't control that.

A Malamute might make a good pet for the teen/adult after his first Husky dies, if he remains fond of mushing. Malamutes are more sedentary and can pull heavier loads and fight stronger foes.

run away

Kids are also liable to run away, and a spirit of independence is one of the values the dog familiar should impart to the child. They will adventure together.

Homeless youth with pets less likely to use hard drugs, suffer depression: study | CTV News

Lesser breeds

Why not an easier breed? Servile things, they lack the spirit of the north. Plus, kids love getting towed. Mush!

Huskies aren’t that great imo, golden retrievers are the BEST

For suburban shared family dog, retrievers are a fine choice. Fetch is easier than mushing.


Huskies are a really high maintenance dog. Do you have the time to run them for hours a day like they are bred for? That's hard to do with a kid. And if you can't run them for hours then they will be bored, destroy things, howl, run away, and maybe even bite out of frustration.

Never forget what a dog is bred for. They need similar conditions to thrive.

A retriever breed is better because you only need to be able to throw a toy repeatedly and they are happy - something a 1 year old can do.

The goal is to prevent the child from becoming domesticated and corrupted by degenerate Western culture, which popular breeds have failed to do. What values does a retriever instill? Perform meaningless labor with great enthusiasm like a good corporate cog? If you want your kids to conform, get them a dog that never jumps the fence.

the-new-style wrote:

Better than one of dozens of loyal dogs like Collies, Cockers, and Shepherd Breeds?

Huskies are one of the hardest dogs to train to not run away if you let them off the lead while many other loyal companion breeds will walk to heel on the sidewalk and be no trouble off lead in the park or wilderness.

Then don't walk it off-lead. It's for hauling the kid anyway.

If you don't care about instilling wolf values such as independence in your kid, then any mutt will do. Obviously a wolfish dog is way too much trouble for most adults. Similarly, wolfish humans are way too much trouble for most governments. Liberty begins at home.

Bullet3250 wrote:


The Bernese Mountain Dog….

Breed to protect and care for animals and children… these dogs pulled small wagons with children in them for centuries. One of the most loyal breeds, quickly become part of the family.

The Bernese Mountain Dog, also known as “Berners,” hails from the cold, harsh mountains of the Swiss Alps, where they were valuable assets to farmers due to their extraordinary capabilities as herding dogs and protecting livestock. These calm, affectionate, and good-natured dogs proved worthy of both a working dog and a family companion, and they are still a popular breed to own to this day.

Those Swiss are always ahead of the curve. Very cool.

High maintenance

Kiddie rides

What about the effort of ownership? A Samoyed and a kid can exercise each other, with the sled dog towing the kid around.

huskies are a lot of work and noisy and probably not the best choice for a baby.

Babies are a lot of noise and work too. Babies enjoy walks in a stroller. You'll definitely need a yard for the Samoyed to run, but sled dogs are bred to be low maintenance during downtime, relative to other working dogs.

hauling the kid is not great. I've seen videos of kids getting dragged a long way - face down - by dogs either because their wrist is caught on the lead or the panic makes them forget to let go because they are not strong enough to control the dog when it sees a squirrel or whatever makes them bolt.

The sled dogs I've seen pulling children are attentive to their charge, but I agree that tying a child to a large careless dog is a recipe for disaster. The sled dog is attached to the vehicle, not the child. Obviously adult supervision is required.

Nevertheless, kids like to be towed, and they will get towed, now and forevermore. Being a child's personal sled dog, bodyguard and best friend is the highest calling of the breed. They are not beasts of burden, though once we used them so.

Sled dog sports

Here are some ways to work your sled dog, organized by breed compatibility. Think of a sled dog as a kibble-powered motor with a broken muffler.


Partially compatible:

Probably irrelevant:

True woo

Psychic bond

At first I thought it best to buy the puppy later, so the child could develop more strength to play with it. But this undervalues the psychic dimension of their relationship, which transcends physical limitations. Dogs have some basic psychic communication, which adult humans lack (it atrophies with disuse) but babies and children have. Hence why they often cry because they can't communicate. So the puppy can engage the child at that level, and fulfill her need for communication.

Farsight Institute director Courtney Brown spoke to with his son's spirit (not brain) in the womb, a standard practice in advanced psionic civilizations. His son Aziz Brown is now a powerful and well-adjusted psychic in his own right, a rare combination.

Psi science

Objection: If dogs are psychic, why can't scientific tests demonstrate this?

Because spiritual phenomena are subject to spiritual laws, among them the law of consensus reality. (This is why in the Spirit Spheres the afterlives are segregated by belief as well as moral condition.) The presence of skeptics affects the results, in order to preserve their free will to disbelieve.

In general, the harmony of a circle of practitioners is crucial to spiritual/magical workings. See Farsight Institute for a properly scientific approach to psionics. It's ironic that skeptics insist on following the scientific method to the letter while committing the most flagrant violations of magical method, as if it doesn't matter. Their contempt begs the question. It's like painters "proving" that film photography doesn't exist because they insist on "developing" the film in daylight, because those sneaky photographers are just using their darkrooms to secretly paint the photos.

I Interviewed My Dog Through a Pet Psychic | City Weekly

The funny thing is that when skeptics who don't believe in the soul or afterlife die, they're stuck wandering in miserable darkness as ghosts until they manage to find themselves and literally see the Light. Nobody's gonna force you buddy. You'll tap.

How do you teach a spirit to become a responsible creator like God? By allowing him to create his own reality, while remaining subject to karmic law. Western science's assumption that reality is fundamentally objective is wrong; Consciousness came first.

Scientific psychics

disoriented wrote:

Objection: If dogs are psychic, why can't scientific tests demonstrate this?

You're obviously not familiar with Dr Rupert Sheldrake and his numerous experiments with animals, showing statistically significant results that animals do have a sort of "psychic bond" with humans, particularly their owners they've bonded with.

That's exactly what I want my kid to have. Got any links?

disoriented wrote:

Dr. Rupert Sheldrake:

"Dogs That Know When Their Owners Are Coming Home".

And related: "Seven Experiments That Could Change the World: A Do-It-Yourself Guide to Revolutionary Science"

He gives guidance on creating your own experiments to replicate this findings under controlled, experimental conditions. Also related:

"The Sense of Being Stared at : And Other Aspects of the Extended Mind"

I can't say too many good things about this man.

Sounds interesting, thanks! Added to the reading list..

The pet-owner bond is very strong, so I'm not surprised it survives in the presence of skeptical investigation. However, the communication channel is still weakened by the naturally poor psychic aptitude of most humans.

I guess the best experimental method would be to randomly select and interview dog owners, recording the answers to a list of questions the owner wants the pet psychic to answer, that the dog should know. Then the pet psychic interviews the dog alone, using the list of questions, and writes down the answer.

Here's how the scientist evaluates for accuracy: For the control group, the scientist can post the owners' questions on social media with a picture of the dog and allow anyone to answer the questions. It would be a competition to see who the owner rates as most accurate. The owner rates the answers blind (author redacted). That way we see how mainstream canine experts perform, and maybe find other psychics who can do remote telepathy with just a picture.

Some dog owners might cheat and collaborate with answerers, so no prizes for getting picked, just notoriety. Random owner selection ensures most will not bother.

Of course, one can practice to improve one's psychic ability, and conduct the experiment personally.

The Sasquatch Message to Humanity Book 2: Interdimensional Teachings from our Elders | GoodReads

focus on loving thoughts, then concentrate on channeling these intensively and sending them to any pet or animals in your surroundings. With a little patience and practice, you will eventually observe their direct reactions to your thoughts, when for instance you ask them to come toward you.

Odin's daughters

Horse girls are crazy

If she's white, then I'd keep her away from big dogs at her age. Try a small, mutt puppy or something similar. Unfortunately, girls tend to gain an obsession with big, masculine animals, this is especially evident with horses - horse girls are all insane.

Try a small breed of a dog, that won't symbolise untamed masculinity.

I understand why horse girls are insane. They're masturbated by the saddle pounding pussy. Hence why women used to ride sidesaddle, if at all.

Are big-dog girls insane, though? In my experience they seem remarkably sane, warm and tolerant of men, compared to the average American woman. They probably understand that there isn't a lot going through our heads.

Husky girl

I really miss my husky. He was the only good thing in my life.
Had to say goodbye to him in April.

Please hug your dogs

He's probably still following you around.

I think of him everyday. This thread just made me sort of feel like it's a sign from him in a way.
I grew up with him as a teen as well so it does relate. I can't wait till someday when I get to see him again

That's beautiful, thank you. Animal souls normally don't remain individuated, returning to their group soul. However, the bond with a human makes them choose to stay with us and follow into our afterlife. You can't see him, but he never left.

Bless you for this thread friend. I needed this today, thank you

Over decades of shamanic journeys and interspecies communications, you have developed special connections with the spirits of Raven, Eagle, Bear, Bison, Elk, Moose, Deer, Wolf, Coyote, Squirrel, and other species, and have noticed that once you made friends with one of them, the Greater Soul of their species knows you and will recognize you wherever you go.

There's no guarantee a child can fit into society, so give her a connection to nature she can fall back on.


Wise Odin writes:

"Fairest we speak when falsest we think; many a maid is deceived."

No man should trust a maiden's words,
Nor what a woman speaks:
Spun on a wheel were women's hearts,
In their breasts was implanted caprice,

Thus she requires a guardian, to teach her constancy and strength, to read in deeds the difference between lies and truth.

All you have to do is to become a dog.
Dog Dancing World Championship 2022, Anastasiia Beaumont and border collie Yuki | YT

The lion knows what the lad does not, and the wolf the lass.

Teenaged pets

Grief management

After the littermate dies, having a pet is still important to anchor the turbulent teenage years. Without a maternal anchor, a girl may run off with a boyfriend. Likewise, a cool pet helps a teen guy attract girls.

It is psychologically optimal for a human to always have a pet to cuddle. There are two cases:

You don't want your teenager making decisions driven by loneliness or stress. One surefire way to assuage the bereaved is with another spitz puppy. A spitz's need for exercise will keep the teen out of urban squalor, and responsible during reckless years.

However, a teenager has more complex needs than a child, and should consider a wider range of pets.

Cats are for quiet

rustyshackleford545 wrote:

Idk, my husband and I are both very conservative, and are both cat people. We both grew up always having cats (no dogs), and we have two of our own now. Our daughter is only ten months old but she is already bonding with one of our cats (who we got as a kitten while I was pregnant last year).

And I also know plenty of hardcore lefties who are dog people, including many who are militantly child free and treat their dog(s) like an actual child. I think that this kind of “dog mom” culture is overtaking the “crazy cat lady” in terms of lifestyle choices for aging childless women.

Sure, it's a tendency. I'm a cat person myself. I still think a puppy is best for kids though, who lack feline subtlety.

In the last two days I realized that I did have an animal familiar. We had a striped tabby tomcat when I was a kid, named Veteran for his battle scars. He dominated our fat cat and took the territory of our yard. He was beautiful, a hunter and a loner, and brought us bloody gifts.

I loved him, as a quiet bookworm who didn't fit, dreaming of war. He was the only pure, wild thing in my life, besides my books and bugs. He was my elder war brother.

(Watership Down contrasts wild with domesticated animals such as the hutch rabbits and the Warren of Snares.)

Other pets belonged to other siblings, but Veteran was mine. We understood each other.

Yesterday I remembered, and saw his face – which is unusual for me, to remember anything from my childhood. I felt that he had been guiding me in my lonely wanderings, far from home. But I wasn't sure whether that was real, whether he had really followed me all this time – whether I would see him again when I died.

It was an idle thought. I went to sleep. But the next day at lunch, scrolling YouTube shorts, I beheld him:

Gary the outlaw #cat #outlaw | YouTube

Walking towards me as he always did, ambivalence conveying what he thought of me, and my recent conservative advocacy of dogs over cats.

The video's comments are apt:

Even the name "outlaw" was a message, telling me that he was no soldier, but an outlaw who defied the rules and boundaries of man.

The cougar is the most fierce and feared apex predator on this continent, sharing the title of the king of the animals with the grizzly bear.
You saw cougar tracks many times over the years, but in the last two years, you saw four of them live, with three who looked at you directly into the eyes, two of which stayed near you for a couple hours. You were tested in courage and sincerity, in communing with Nature in interspecies peaceful relations. You have seen brother bear close to you many times over the years, but cougar was your ultimate test. They bring you the medicine of leadership, if you have enough courage to carry this big responsibility.

Sasquatch Message Book 3

Veteran reminds me that a leader must walk alone before he can lead others – especially when the herd has gone astray and a new trail must be blazed.

Let the quiet have their cats, or we will all go off the cliff together. Or perhaps, let the cats have their quiet ones. I love you, Veteran Outlaw.

Cat companionship teaches teen boys how to handle fickle female nature. I don't mean some fat housecat, but a real hunter with a territory, who must be wooed. A lad with no game shames his father.

Guy : Is that girl interested in me I wonder?
The Girl :

It is not easy to train a half-feral cat, but that makes it all the more impressive.

The lion is the most social feline, and his sociobiology holds important lessons counterintuitive to the male mind. The perpetual savanna war against hyenas is particularly relevant in light of the latest Left singularity.

As the PUAs say, "She was never yours, it was just your turn." If that upsets you, go kill some hyenas until you feel better.

The best way to teach a teen boy how to relate to women is to give him a tom kitten to raise. Otherwise he may never truly understand until he raises a daughter, which will be hard on his wife.

Boas are for boys

A teen boy is likely to roam, which makes buying another large dog inadvisable. He may want to move to the city or go to college.

So what kind of pet is best for someone with wanderlust?

Cats belong outdoors at least part-time. They need to hunt to be fulfilled. Declawing them is cruel.

Cats rarely travel well. Thus the cat should stay with the parents while the lad leaves.

Caging birds is cruel; they're meant to fly. Some birds like to cuddle, but they're more prickly than mammals due to their beak and claws, and harder to potty train.

Most dogs require more outdoor space than cats do. (Cats ignore fences.) Indoor dog breeds are fine as long as they get walks.

I don't see the point of bugs, fish and amphibians as pets. As hobbies they're great, but you can't cuddle them, and that's what humans really need. If you just want to look at animals, watch YouTube shorts on your phone.

Thus the best portable pet is a cuddly reptile. Even though that sounds like an oxymoron, there is in fact a reptile that specializes in hugs: the boa constrictor!

It grows to around 6 ft on average, but still only weighs 6 kg (13 lbs), which is quite manageable. It's large enough to provide the spine-tingling sensation of a hug, which is a physiological human need, as hugboxes evidence. Everyone has experienced the burst of emotion after being hugged for the first time in a while.

Adults travel and get separated from their friends, rendering them unable to deliver the requisite physical component. The snake may not really care about you, but it's big and it's there. If you move long-distance, you can sell or give it away without too much attachment.

After the setup cost of the enclosure, BCIs are quite low maintenance. If timid, start with a small young one. It will gradually grow large enough to act like a weighted blanket, but never become truly dangerous like an anaconda. Just don't let it get around your neck; blood chokes are quick. Only one person has died to a boa constrictor in the USA. (Dogs kill far more.)

Has a boa constrictor killed anyone? | Quora

Most people prefer the ball python, but it's higher-maintenance and worse at hugs. A teen boy will probably lift weights, making the BCI's heft negligible. His friends will think it's cool, especially if…

Can I grow up a mini cannabis in a closed terrarium? | Quora

Bring her to the yard to see the cat, smoke a blunt while you watch the birds, then invite her inside to pet the snake. Voila. Snakes prefer bare skin for body heat…

Toxoplasma is for tools

Toxic tenth

Toxoplasmosis affects over 10% of Americans, and is the leading cause of death from foodborne illness. It also causes brain damage. Toxoplasma is chronic but treatable with anti-parasitics.

However, studies published in the past 20 years have shown that the latent form of the disease brings about specific changes in the human personality and behaviour, consequently increasing the risk of traffic and work-place accidents, suicide, brain tumours, schizophrenia, obsessive–compulsive disorder, epilepsy, and possibly also other conditions, including various heart diseases.

Toxoplasmosis can be a sexually transmitted infection with serious clinical consequences. Not all routes of infection are created equal | Medical Hypotheses

Fearless fools

Toxoplasma inhibits the flight response in mice, making them easier for a cat to catch. When it infects a social, hierarchical mammal with a fight response, removing the flight response gives it a massive intrasocial advantage (until it gets killed). For example, infection with the parasite Toxoplasma gondii makes wolves 46 times more likely to become a pack leader:

seropositive wolves were more likely to make high-risk decisions such as dispersing and becoming a pack leader, both factors critical to individual fitness and wolf vital rates.

Parasitic infection increases risk-taking in a social, intermediate host carnivore | Communications Biology

Cougars can hunt lone wolves, and cougars benefit when wolf hierarchy is disrupted by premature leadership challenges.

Infertile fuckers

Toxoplasma increases human aggression, male infertility and promiscuity:

Bold girlbosses

Disinhibition makes humans take risks that sometimes pay off:

of 74,291 Danish women, they discovered that those infected with the parasite Toxoplasma gondii were, on average, 29% more likely than others to have founded a start-up, 27% more likely to have founded multiple ventures, and more than twice as likely to have founded their businesses alone.

A Common Parasite Can Make People More Entrepreneurial | Harvard Business Review

Entrepreneurship is a high-risk endeavor that often substitutes for having children.

Buttlickers banished

Cats should not be allowed indoors due to their symbiosis with toxoplasma. It is transmitted through poop, and they lick their butts.

If you have a cat, it is especially important to test your teen daughter. Fertile women should avoid toxoplasma, since it causes reckless behavior such as promiscuity, and is transmitted from mother to baby.

Brain damage is not desirable for your children. There are better ways to teach courage.

Guards are for girls

Many fathers fail to appreciate that a virgin teen daughter is one of the most valuable assets in human history. In many parts of the world they still command a bride price that can go up to millions of dollars. It is imperative to guard such an asset, especially one that is horny and intent on depreciating itself with the nearest alpha male. A guard dog is the obvious solution, that poses major logistical hurdles to the usual female strategies for clandestine mating.

The other main threat, besides premarital sex, is that the daughter will become a raging feminist and rebel against the patriarchy, namely dad. Thus it behooves us to ask, "What is the most right-wing adult dog possible?" The girl will identify with the dog, and thereby the dog's (unwitting) politics.

German shepherds have an attractive pedigree. They're part-wolf, bred for intelligence, and beloved by militaries from USA to Nazi Germany. However, dog shows have corrupted the breed with foolish aesthetics and hip displasia. They're also a bit aggressive for a family dog, which the daughter will hopefully soon have.

The Swiss have an attractive white Swiss shepherd dog that corrects these faults. But the color of its coat is incidental, and an adult doesn't need his dog's coat to match his skin tone.

THE WHITE SWISS SHEPHERD - The Dog Germany rejected | YT

What about hot climates? The Rhodesian Ridgeback is a lion-killer tainted by apartheid past. Can't argue with that.

The Malinois or Belgian shepherd is gradually replacing the German shepherd in Western security work. Meanwhile, the Russians have a different solution.

The best guard dog, in my opinion, is the Moscow Watchdog, which is barely known in the West, but forged in the crucible of post-collapse Soviet Union gang wars. It is a cross between St. Bernard and German Shepherd, marrying the best of Swiss and German, eliminating the flaws of both. The gentle, intelligent, deadly giant can is both family friend and implacable guardian. It is specialized for defense, which the West now needs thanks to immivasion. Predators will look elsewhere.

I think we can all agree that Russia is the politically-incorrect country du-jour. Hail Putin, based tsar, and his holy hounds!

However, is a heavyweight guard dog really appropriate for a teen girl? She isn't good at controlling a dog's aggression, and she lacks the upper body strength to haul him off somebody.

The number of cases where having a heavyweight guard dog would actually make a difference is vanishingly small. If a girl wants to defend herself, she carries a pistol in her purse. A middleweight guard dog is sufficient to let her reach it.

The real danger is her sex drive, which attracts her to rakes and cads. The way to counter that is to give her something her maternal instinct fears to lose. Huskies fill this role perfectly. Because they're wolfish troublemakers, they often wind up at the pound, where they get put down.

As a parent, make it clear that you won't keep her husky for her. That will keep her out of college (slut schools) and away from big cities, where her husky would be miserable.

Drawing the line clear and early ensures she won't try to bring home any mulatto bastards for you to raise. She'll be forced to choose an honorable man with land for her husky (and children) to run. There she'll promptly start having kids, accelerating your genetic return on investment, and the healthiness of her children.

(Even though it's called "conservative" due to the USA's bipartidism, the rural fertility advantage is substantially Stress Tolerator or libertarian. Stress Tolerators live in sparsely-populated areas.)

Why do I mention mulattoes specifically? Genetically speaking, the real zero-sum competition is between sub-Saharans and everyone else. It is in our common interest to put the cork back on the Sahara.

[Study] “Estimating Ethnic Genetic Interests: Is It Adaptive to Resist Replacement Migration?” by Frank Salter [Full paper] | Thuletide

more adaptive for an Englishman to risk life or property resisting the immigration of two Bantu immigrants to England than his taking the same risk to rescue one of his own children from drowning

Admixture with Africans is even worse than simple genetic distance implies, because low IQ reduces carrying capacity and ensures future subjugation. Once you go Black, you can never come back.

You're insane. Meds, now.

Political abuse of psychiatry in the Soviet Union | Wikipedia

Rape and revenge

From Sweden to South Africa

Sweden: Ethiopian Migrant (15) Brutally Rapes, Beats, and Strangles Little Girl (9) With Her Shoelaces, Child Left Brain-Damaged | Rair Foundation

The heartbroken family is furious at the government and school staff who hid the Migrant’s past sexual attacks on females, strangulation porn habits, and his actual age.

Sweden, the rape capital of Europe | Human Synthesis

Thanks to mass Muslim immigration, Sweden has become the rape capital of Europe, where women get fined for carrying pepper spray, while police/media are not allowed to report the ethnicity, religion, or nationality of the rapists

Is the Norse pantheon real? As real as a masquerade.

Bryan Sykes, in his 2006 book Blood of the Isles, gives the members – and the notional founding patriarch of I1 the name "Wodan".

Just another day in Arma | YT (South Africa)

Angels on overwatch, paladins charge.

Herne's wrath

"One knight in black and white
for each daughter of Odin,"
so saith Herne, lord of the hunt.

A reminder of who hunts those who offend her in Hel:
nightmares show they have your scent, fear an appetizer to the feast
All his hounds had masters once.
So Hel welcomes fresh meat
where trees grow strong on bone, and leaves black as blood drink the Moon
whose passage marks the circle of time
and guilty ghosts prefer the chase to the weight of memory.


Odin is at minimum a thoughtform empowered by worship and sacrifice, at maximum the godlike progenitor of the Nordic race. The two possibilities are overlapping, not exclusive. The latter wears a mask; the former has a shifting face.

Who exactly hides behind the Veil is unverifiable and unimportant. We judge them as they judge us: by their actions.

It all began with my habit of scrolling YouTube shorts during meals, and saving worthy videos to include in Thule News. The YouTube algorithm served me well.

First I saw a video explaining that a wolf alpha walks last, not first, which reminded me of how in Call of the Wild, Buck lost respect each day that he ran in front of the sled team.

In early May, I wrote:

One desires to follow God's law. The alpha walks at the back of the pack, keeping them in view. Man inverts the natural order by placing him at the front of the sled, making puppies of wolves. Yielding to sentiment breeds domestication. Arguments from expediency run across the cross, which worked.

A week later my Nordic soulmate answered in a dream, showing me her wolf heart, promising not to betray me as the anti-racist White women of my family had, and converting to the Celestial faith. This changed me profoundly; I wept many tears.

It is rare and precious to meet one's soulmate in this life.

However, in passing, both Dr. Stone and James Padgett were taken out of body to visit their soulmates.

I have had an energy interchange during the sleep state, that was reminiscent of an orgasm, except it was far more powerful. It was triggered by some sort of energy interchange, chest to chest. I did wake immediately, and confirmed that it had not happened in this physical dimension.

Life after death | The Sleep State | New Birth

On June 3-5, I saved videos of a husky defending other dogs from a German Shepherd's attempts to dominate, because his honorable behavior reminded me of White Fang.

On June 18 I saw Eihwar's Völva’s Chant, which came out June 17. It showed me that monogamous Nordic wolf girls are real, that our culture will never die.

On June 19, I saved a video of a baby girl growing up with a husky pup, and realized this was the way to preserve a future for White children, and save them from ubiquitous leftist propaganda. We must make more wolf girls!

After developing my thesis on, I first published the file to Gitgud on June 21, titled "A knight in black and white for each daughter of Odin." The title is from the "Herne's wrath" poem, which felt like a channeled vision, such as those Fiver had.

However, as the thesis defense continued, by June 23 I deprecated huskies in favor of Samoyeds – which are not black and white.

On June 28, I noticed that the poem had lost relevance. How could that be, if it was inspired? Which was wrong, the logic or the revelation?

As I wrestled with doubt, epiphany hit: The troublesome husky is the answer to the problem that cost me my sister and set me on this path of restless revenge. The maternal bond trumps every loyalty. A teen girl will marry to save her dog, even though she won't to save her race!

At last I can have peace, knowing no more daughters need be lost. Though I trust not in man, I have faith in Herne and his ever-loyal hounds – good to the last drop.

Some will heed; most will not. The weak fall; the strong rise. All is right again.

Carthago delenda est

Giving oneself to revenge can serve a higher purpose.

The Left is parasitic, and winter wolves are the cure.

The crazy man speaks truth. Wolves will eat the leftists.

Always have, since Rome ate Carthage.

The Cult never died; it just went back into hiding. For example, Kathy Griffin is Anderson Cooper's brother.

In 1988 the Vanderbilts staged Carter Cooper's death at age 22. It is probable that Carter was already moonlighting as "Kathy Griffin" before then in Los Angeles from 1985, and with her growing success decided to kill off his deadname identity. The Vanderbilts payrolled a poor immigrant Irish Catholic family to provide "Kathy's" backstory, perhaps with some blackmail insurance. Look how submissive the family appears next to (obvious tranny) Carter in photos.

Carter was born 1966, and Griffin 1960. Being slightly older helps explain "Kathy's" ugliness. "She's" childless with a brief failed marriage.

At 18, Griffin persuaded her parents to move to Los Angeles to help her become famous.

From the overabundance of failed actors, body doubles are chosen. It is probable that the real Kathy failed to become famous, but was a suitable lookalike for Carter, who helped her assume a more successful alternate identity. The real Kathy likely remains friends with her parents, just as Carter remained close "friends" with Gloria and Anderson.

"Kathy Griffin's" focus on celebrity gossip makes perfect sense for an elite Vanderbilt insider. Both brothers are doing similar jobs, promoting sodomy as their reproductive strategy.

Who are the name-stealers? Carthage is gone now, and where did the Punics go? They converted to Judaism.

These Punic peoples—the Phoenicians and Carthaginians—were renowned as the greatest merchants of the ancient world, and they had successfully established a far-flung trading empire long before the rise of Classical Greece or Rome, an empire that endured for nearly a thousand years.

Alexandria was the largest and most sophisticated city in the Eastern portion of Rome’s empire and one-third of its million residents were Jews, often locked in communal strife with the one-third who were Greek. It seems far more likely that these urbanized Jews were the descendants of Phoenician converts rather than Judean peasant farmers who had somehow been transformed into city-dwellers in such huge numbers. The very large Jewish community in Cyprus off the coast of Lebanon also seems likely to have had similar roots. Indeed, Michael Grant noted that as early as 6 AD a leading Jewish rabble-rouser involved in anti-Greek agitation in Palestine bore the distinctly Punic name of Hannibal.

The Palestinian Jews had no sea-faring tradition nor any history of colonization and were never known as merchants, with their most notable characteristic being their religious fanaticism and the violent rebellions it regularly inspired. But by the time of the early Roman Empire, we find enormous Jewish populations in coastal trading cities and islands, with Josephus making the (probably exaggerated) claim that 500,000 Jews lived in Cyrenaica on the Libyan coast, not far from destroyed Carthage. How plausible is it that Judean peasants could have migrated to all those distant locations in such large numbers, or had suddenly become the successful merchants and traders that many of these Jews seemed to be?

Carthago delenda est: So sayeth Herne.